Episode 71 – Why Does Time Move So Slowly or So Quickly in the Present Moment?
The Presence Projects presents episode 71 of the “Are You Being Present?” podcast series. Join Paul for a podcast that explores a subject many people will find enlightening, useful and reflective in his continued effort to address, and untwine, destructive matrix programming.
The title and topic of this episode is “Why Does Time Move So Slowly or So Quickly in the Present Moment?”. In this podcast Paul digs deep into the perception of time and why it appears to change in speed at any given Present moment. He shares his knowledge about what insights can be gleaned regarding the movement of time and how we can better understand this concept with Presence and mindfulness. There is also information about how time has been used as a negative motivator built within the fabric of matrix conditioning which Paul explains and deconstructs.
As always, it is advisable to listen to earlier podcasts that discuss other Presence topics and Presence Tools that can be implemented to help shift into the Present Moment.
Please check out the rest of the “Are You Being Present?” podcasts series on our website, iTunes and YouTube!
Remember you have a choice. Choose to be present!
Episode 72 – Why Is It So Hard to Be Present?
The Presence Projects presents episode 72 of the “Are You Being Present?” podcast series. Join Paul for a podcast that addresses a question everyone will ask and seek answers for in hopes of gaining relief and guidance through times of challenge and adversity while working on oneself.
The title and topic of this episode is “Why Is It So Hard to Be Present?”. In this podcast Paul takes the opportunity to share one of the most common questions he’s asked while teaching Presence and Mindfulness to the patients he works with. Being Present can be very difficult at times, especially in the beginning, depending on the variety of subjective experiences encountered. He explains, and explores, the ego, which is a matrix mind construct, that he knows to be the biggest obstacle to Presence. Paul goes into depth about what the ego is and how it manipulates, distracts, complicates and creates self-inflicted suffering that makes being Present seem so hard.
As always, it is advisable to listen to earlier podcasts that discuss other Presence topics and Presence Tools that can be implemented to help shift into the Present Moment. Please check out the rest of the “Are You Being Present?” podcasts series on our website, iTunes and YouTube!
Remember you have a choice. Choose to be present!
Episode 73 – Each Present Second Is a Gift
The Presence Projects presents episode 73 of the “Are You Being Present?” podcast series. Join Paul for a podcast that focuses on the perception of time and how it can be viewed differently allowing for more peace and Presence within your reality.
The title and topic of this episode is “Each Present Second Is a Gift”. In this podcast Paul explains the importance of seeing each Present second as a gift that is to be cherished and treasured. Too often many of us distract ourselves, willfully and unconsciously, allowing Present seconds to pass us by and then end up in a state of lack and regret for losing these moments and worrying about the future moments to come. By viewing each Present second as a gift we can fully engage life in the moment providing us with the ability to choose what we want to do, when we want to do it and with whom we wish to do it with.
As always, it is advisable to listen to earlier podcasts that discuss other Presence topics and Presence Tools that can be implemented to help shift into the Present Moment.
Please check out the rest of the “Are You Being Present?” podcasts series on our website, iTunes and YouTube!
Remember you have a choice. Choose to be present!
Episode 74 – Following “The Four Agreements” With Presence
The Presence Projects presents episode 74 of the “Are You Being Present?” podcast series. Join Paul for a podcast that introduces a book filled with ancient Toltec wisdom that contains essential, relevant and helpful information for those living within the third dimensional matrix. This book, The Four Agreements, can lead an individual to break free from negative societal constraints and programming, helping to provide relief from self-inflicted ego suffering in the Present Moment.
The title and topic of this episode is “Following The Four Agreements With Presence”. In this podcast Paul takes the opportunity to share The Four Agreements and the amazing impact they have had on himself and those he has worked with. He takes the time to go through each agreement, the need to use them in the Present Moment and how they can help transform the lives of people who seek relief from an existence filled with anxiety, stress and depression.
As always, it is advisable to listen to earlier podcasts that discuss other Presence topics and Presence Tools that can be implemented to help shift into the Present Moment.
Please check out the rest of the “Are You Being Present?” podcasts series on our website, iTunes and YouTube!
Remember you have a choice. Choose to be present!
Episode 75 – Are You Responding or Reacting in the Present Moment?
The Presence Projects presents episode 75 of the “Are You Being Present?” podcast series. Join Paul for a podcast that focuses on two very different ways in which we can handle situations with people, places and things throughout our Present Moments.
The title and topic of this episode is “Are You Responding or Reacting in the Present Moment?”. In this podcast Paul brings attention to the differences, and potential results, between a reaction or a response in the Present Moment. Reactions typically happen very quickly and are fueled by emotion while being led by the ego. They can cause a person to say and do things that are not in their best interest leading to undesirable collateral damage.
There are many reasons why reactions are so prevalent within the third dimensional matrix since this reality is filled with tension, stress, anxiety and adversity. Being in a state of reaction appears to be a more common form of societal, and interpersonal, interaction that leads to much suffering and negativity. Paul explains the need to pause, be Present and then initiate a response which can allow for a more neutral path. While it can be challenging at first to transition from reacting to responding the reduction in self-inflicted suffering with be notable and well worth the effort.
As always, it is advisable to listen to earlier podcasts that discuss other Presence topics and Presence Tools that can be implemented to help shift into the Present Moment.
Please check out the rest of the “Are You Being Present?” podcasts series on our website, iTunes and YouTube!
Remember you have a choice. Choose to be present!
Episode 76 – Calm Down in the Present Moment
The Presence Projects presents episode 76 of the “Are You Being Present?” podcast series. Join Paul for a podcast that addresses a state of being that will allow for more peace, Presence and prosperity in the Present Moment.
The title and topic of this episode is “Calm Down in the Present Moment”. In this podcast Paul spends time providing guidance regarding what it means to be calm and how to achieve, and maintain, a calmer inner and outer reality.
Being calm is a feeling space that many people deeply desire, yet so of us many find elusive suffering needlessly in negative states of emotion like resistance and resentment. A lack of Presence and an unguarded ego will cause self-inflicted suffering using thoughts of the past or worries of the future making it very difficult to be calm as we go throughout our lives. Paul provides guidance on how to become calm and how we can use Presence tools to settle the mind, body and spirit.
As always, it is advisable to listen to earlier podcasts that discuss other Presence topics and Presence Tools that can be implemented to help shift into the Present Moment.
Please check out the rest of the “Are You Being Present?” podcasts series on our website, iTunes and YouTube!
Remember you have a choice. Choose to be present!
Episode 77 – Seeking Safety and Security in the Present Moment
The Presence Projects presents episode 77 of the “Are You Being Present?” podcast series. Join Paul for a pivotal podcast that targets a very specific issue everyone on Earth is confronted with at some point in their reality.
The title and topic of this episode is “Seeking Safety and Security in the Present Moment”. In this podcast Paul shares his Present seconds diving into a subject that deeply affects each individual and is woven into the very fabric of life in the third dimension. Because of how revelant a subject like safety and security is to everyone it is imperative that we begin to see how societal programming (the matrix) has created and implemented negative motivators that lend to the belief that we are not, and will never be, safe and secure which is a fallacy leading to self-inflicted suffering.
While it is true that there are people currently experiencing situations where they are not safe, there are also large groups of people who are safe and secure yet their belief systems, and egos, lead them to believe the opposite. Paul wanted to dig into this subject as safety and security are core human tenants that control and often dictate behavior based on negative motivators such as fear and lack. He explains that there is a need to derive an internal state of safety and security in the Present Moment first and foremost. This work will provide the groundwork to create a foundation for a life that feels safe, secure and abundant.
As always, it is advisable to listen to earlier podcasts that discuss other Presence topics and Presence Tools that can be implemented to help shift into the Present Moment.
Please check out the rest of the “Are You Being Present?” podcasts series on our website, iTunes and YouTube!
Remember you have a choice. Choose to be present!
Episode 78 – Reframing Your Words With Presence
The Presence Projects presents episode 78 of the “Are You Being Present?” podcast series. Join Paul for a podcast that presents a very useful Presence Tool that can be used all throughout your life to help watch your words, shift your reality and bring you back to the Present Moment.
The title and topic of this episode is “Reframing Your Words With Presence”. In this podcast Paul teaches his audience about reframing, which is a wonderful Presence Tool that has transformed his life, and many of the people he’s had the opportunity to work with.
Reframing is a tool that gives us the ability to watch the words that come out of our mouth and reframe them if necessary. Often, many of us people speak carelessly using words, statements or phrases that are negative, restrictive and harmful to our internal/emotional state of being. Once these words come out, we can use a tool like reframing to pull them back in and soften them up, allowing for more peace, Presence and neutrality.
As always, it is advisable to listen to earlier podcasts that discuss other Presence topics and Presence Tools that can be implemented to help shift into the Present Moment.
Please check out the rest of the “Are You Being Present?” podcasts series on our website, iTunes and YouTube!
Remember you have a choice. Choose to be present!
Episode 79 – Guilt and Shame Are Negative Motivators That Prevent Presence
The Presence Projects presents episode 79 of the “Are You Being Present?” podcast series. Join Paul for a podcast that focuses on two negative motivators that have been, and continue to be, used as control mechanisms throughout society causing a tremendous amount of pain and suffering.
The title and topic of this episode is “Guilt and Shame Are Negative Motivators That Prevent Presence”. In this podcast Paul shares his Present seconds addressing how guilt and shame have been woven within societal programming and are used far too often leading to negative states of being that prevent peace and Presence.
Understanding the roots of guilt and shame, how they are used and what can be done to end these insidious behaviors are imperative to maintaining a life filled with neutrality, Presence and prosperity. Now is the time to shine a light on these negative motivators, to see them for what they are and to put an end to using them against us and others.
We have all been made to feel guilty and ashamed at some point in our life here on Earth. We all know how terrible a state of being it is. Now, in the Present Moment, we can put an end to using these negative motivators that will never lead to a positive state of being.
As always, it is advisable to listen to earlier podcasts that discuss other Presence topics and Presence Tools that can be implemented to help shift into the Present Moment.
Please check out the rest of the “Are You Being Present?” podcasts series on our website, iTunes and YouTube!
Remember you have a choice. Choose to be present!
Episode 80 – Presence Requires Discipline
The Presence Projects presents episode 80 of the “Are You Being Present?” podcast series. Join Paul for a podcast that focuses on discipline, how it can be reframed and the need for it when establishing, maintaining and thriving in the Present Moment.
The title and topic of this episode is “Presence Requires Discipline”. In this podcast Paul brings attention towards the importance of discipline and how it could be seen as a negative motivator without the use of reframing.
For a Presence Practice to be effective it requires discipline, consistency and focus. The challenge is that many people have been raised with negative forms of discipline used as a control mechanism either by parental figures, family members, teachers or societal programming. This can lead an individual to live a life that is unframed, untamed and chaotic led by the ego, emotion and unhealed trauma. Paul explains how we can reframe the concept of discipline so it carries a neutral energy that will allow for a strong foundation to be built leading a life that is grounded in the Present Moment.
As always, it is advisable to listen to earlier podcasts that discuss other Presence topics and Presence Tools that can be implemented to help shift into the Present Moment.
Please check out the rest of the “Are You Being Present?” podcasts series on our website, iTunes and YouTube!
Remember you have a choice. Choose to be present!