Episode 41 – Expressing Anger With Presence Feat. Daniel Hirtz

The Presence Projects presents episode 41 of the “Are You Being Present?” podcast series. Host Paul Kerzner is joined by Daniel Hirtz for a discussion about anger and the need for emotional fluidity. The title and topic of this episode is “Expressing Anger with Presence” and was selected because of the significant impact this emotion can have on the present moment.

This is Daniel’s 3rd time on the podcast and was invited back to share his personal experiences, perceptions and perspectives on anger and presence. During the podcast Daniel and Paul discuss the potential collateral damage that can take place when anger is either repressed or not properly expressed.

We thank Daniel for joining us and look forward to having him back soon. If you’re interested in learning more about Daniel Hirtz you can find him on Facebook or you can check out his website: http://danielhirtz.com

Episode 42 – Resistance & Resentment Prevent Presence

The Presence Projects presents episode 42 of the “Are You Being Present?” podcast series. Join host Paul Kerzner as he addresses two behaviors that have a very detrimental effect on the Present moment. The title and topic of this episode is “Resistance & Resentment Prevent Presence” and was chosen to exemplify the need to shift and re-frame these traits.

In this podcast Paul discusses the negative impact resistance and resentment have on our ability to be Present. It is important that we take note of our initial feelings and observe any resistance towards people, places or things. It’s also integral to examine any resentment that we feel towards anyone or anything as this behavior creates strife and conflict that prevents Presence. Later in the podcast Paul shares some of his own personal experiences and teaches us how acceptance and forgiveness are the tools necessary to address and alleviate resistance and resentment.

Episode 43 – Alleviating Anxiety with Presence

The Presence Projects presents episode 43 of the “Are You Being Present?” podcast series. Join host Paul Kerzner for a relevant and in-depth discussion about anxiety. The title and topic of this episode is “Alleviating Anxiety with Presence” and was chosen because of how common anxiety has become in the 21st century.

In this podcast Paul take some time to discuss anxiety and how it can be alleviated with Presence. He explains a process which will help identify the root cause(s) of your anxiety. By implementing helpful and practical Presence tools it can then become possible to shift away from feelings of anxiousness into a state of peace and Presence.

Millions of people experience some form of anxiety on a regular basis. Many of whom have sought professional help and take medication for relief. While there is certainly a time and place for taking medicine, learning and implementing Presence tools is a healthy way to get significant and long lasting emotional relief.

If you, or someone you know, has been experiencing anxiety and have been thinking of the past or worrying about the future this podcast will prove to be useful, educational and applicable.

Episode 44 – Observing the Voice in Your Head with Presence

The Presence Projects presents episode 44 of the “Are You Being Present?” podcast series. After a brief respite, Paul Kerzner returns for another informative and important discussion that can have a tremendous impact on your ability to be (and stay) Present.

The title and topic of this episode is “Observing the Voice in Your Head with Presence”. Everyone, without question, has an ego that can potentially cause emotional pain and strife when left unguarded. Leaning how to be the observer of your thoughts/ego can promote a powerful shift in consciousness and was selected to help reduce self-inflicted suffering.

If you, or someone you know, is tired of being the victim of their thoughts and emotions this podcast will prove to be relevant and powerfully enlightening. Please check out the rest of the “Are You Being Present?” podcasts series on our website, iTunes and YouTube! Remember you have a choice. Choose to be present!

Episode 45 – Presenting Presence Feat. David & Angelike Norrie

The Presence Projects presents episode 45 of the “Are You Being Present?” podcast series.  In this episode Paul Kerzner was invited by David & Angelike Norrie to join their video webinar where he shared his knowledge about Presence and mindfulness.  Being that there was so much great information we wanted to publish the audio as a podcast for our listening audience.

The title of this episode is “Presenting Presence” as Paul did his best to speak on a variety of Presence topics including; What does being Present feel like? Advantages of being Present. Why is it difficult to be Present? And many more…

For those new to Presence, as well as anyone looking for a refresher, this episode is filled with valuable tips, tools and suggestions that are applicable to just about everyone living on Earth.

Please check out the rest of the “Are You Being Present?” podcasts series on our website, iTunes and YouTube!

To learn more about David & Angelike Norrie you can visit their website: AngelikeNorrie.com or their Instagram page: DavidNorrie.sociallyspeaking

Episode 46 – Experiencing Depression With Presence

The Presence Projects presents episode 46 of the “Are You Being Present?” podcast series.  Join host Paul Kerzner for an informative and important discussion about depression.  The title and topic of this episode is “Experiencing Depression With Presence” and was selected because of how prevalent depression is and the relief that can be provided through Presence.

In this podcast Paul speaks about his experiences with depression, personally and professionally.  He goes on to explain how being Present and using Presence tools can help alleviate suffering by shifting perceptions towards a more peaceful, accepting and neutral state of being.

If you, or someone you know, is experiencing depression we suggest seeking out professional help.  There are many specialists out there that are trained to treat emotional challenges.  Implementing a mindfulness practice and being Present can be a wonderful addition to treatment.

Episode 47 – Presence is Medicine

The Presence Projects presents episode 47 of the “Are You Being Present?” podcast series. Join host Paul Kerzner for an informative and relevant discussion about Presence and how it can be, and should be, used medicinally. The title and topic of this episode is “Presence is Medicine” and was selected because of the positive and healing effects Presence has on the mind, body and spirit.

In this podcast Paul delves into the importance of using Presence and Mindfulness as medicine. He discussed how Western society has become overly medicated and that there is a need to find alternatives that are natural without any side effects.

If you, or someone you know, is interested in learning more about being Present this podcast, and the many preceding it, will provide a wealth of information.

Episode 48 – The Present Moment Is All We Have

The Presence Projects presents episode 48 of the “Are You Being Present?” podcast series. Join host Paul Kerzner for an insightful, transformative and motivational discussion about the preciousness of each, and every, Present moment. The title and topic of this episode is “The Present Moment Is All We Have” and was selected to help remind and encourage the audience to prioritize Presence and Mindfulness through the peaks and valleys of life.

If you, or someone you know, is interested in learning more about being Present this podcast, and the many preceding it, will provide a treasure trove of information and a solid foundation for living in the Present Moment.

Episode 49 – Dissolve the Problem With Presence Feat. Shannon Horton

The Presence Projects presents episode 49 of the “Are You Being Present?” podcast series. Join host Paul Kerzner, and guest Shannon Horton, for a lively discussion about Presence and its ability to dissolve problems. The title and topic of this episode is “Dissolve the Problem with Presence” as this podcast was based on the book “Dissolve the Problem: by Shifting Physical Reality” written by acclaimed author Richard Dotts.

Shannon and Paul discuss the book in detail sharing their profound experiences after reading this amazing piece of literature. They take time to explain the 3 steps laid out in the book that have changed their lives by dissolving their perceived problems in the Present moment.

If you, or someone you know, spends a lot of time trying to solve problems and is interested in learning easy ways to shift into a reality filling with Presence and positive manifestation this podcast will provide the necessary information to alleviate unnecessary self-inflicted suffering.

Please check out the rest of the “Are You Being Present?” podcasts series on our website, iTunes and YouTube! Remember you have a choice. Choose to be present!

Episode 50 – Relieving Pain with Presence

The Presence Projects presents episode 50 of the “Are You Being Present?” podcast series. Join host Paul Kerzner for an enlightening and educational presentation on Presence and its profound effect on pain.

The title and topic of this episode is “Relieving Pain with Presence” and is applicable to everybody who has or is currently experiencing any level of physical or emotional discomfort. In this podcast Paul explains the importance of being Present while in pain and discusses a recent event where he used Presence to diminish pain in his body.

If you, or someone you know, is in pain and is interested in learning techniques to help provide significant relief naturally and without the need for pharmaceuticals this podcast will be quite useful.

Please check out the rest of the “Are You Being Present?” podcasts series on our website, iTunes and YouTube!

Remember you have a choice. Choose to be present!