Episode 31 – Gaining Presence Astrologically Feat. Tara Divina
Guest host Tara Divina joins Paul Kerzner for episode 31 of the “Are You Being Present?” podcast series. The title and topic of this podcast is “Gaining Presence Astrologically” and was chosen because of the profound effect astrology can have on a person’s life and their ability to be present. Whether you’ve had your chart read professionally, or have been a little skeptical, this podcast will provide some helpful information and insight about astrology and presence.
We invited Tara onto the show because of her passion and expertise on the topic of astrology. She is the owner of Visionary Readings – Vedic Astrology and is an amazing Vedic Astrologer who offers chart readings to anyone interested in learning more about their life and how planetary alignments have influenced their reality.
At the beginning of the podcast the topic of “free will” comes up when Paul shares his belief that humans can alter their life path by making certain decisions. Tara explains that free will, more so the amount a person has, is a hot topic in the world of astrology. One of the interesting facets of Vedic Astrology is to help identify where a person has a lot of free will and to show areas where there might not be as much.
Later in the podcast Tara spends some time talking about her first experiences with astrology and how she decided to become a Vedic Astrologer. She also discusses the full moon and lunar eclipse and what effects might be taking place due to this specific alignment.
If you’ve been interested in learning more about astrology and are also working on being present in your life, then you will certainly enjoy this podcast.
We thank Tara for joining us and look forward to having her back soon. To learn more about Tara Divina you can visit her website: http://visionaryreadings.com/
Episode 32 – Diving Deep Into Presence Feat. Cory Allen
In this podcast Paul Kerzner is joined by guest host (and fellow psychonaut) Cory Allen for the 32nd episode titled “Diving Deep Into Presence”. Together Paul and Cory explore the depths of mindfulness, presence and the human psyche. Their combined knowledge and insight provides for an impressive and transformative offering.
Cory Allen is the host of The Astral Hustle, a podcast where he talks to himself and his friends about the nature of being and magic of the cosmos. After listening to a few of his episodes The Presence Projects made it a priority to have him join us for this podcast. We are extremely grateful to have had the opportunity to learn about Cory’s background, life experiences, perspectives and perceptions on presence.
We thank Cory for joining us and look forward to having him back soon. If you’re interested in learning more about Cory Allen please check out his website: http://www.cory-allen.com/
Episode 33 – Grieving With Presence Feat. Shannon Horton
Guest host Shannon Horton returns to the show to join Paul Kerzner for the 33rd episode of the “Are You Being Present?” podcast series. The title and topic of this podcast is “Grieving With Presence” and was selected because grief is an unavoidable part of life that everyone, at some point in time, will experience. Processing grief with presence allows for clarity and an allowance and acceptance of the emotions being expressed.
Shannon Horton is a Happiness Consultant, Intuitive Spiritual Medium, Motivational Speaker, Reiki Master, Coach and the owner of Happiness Matters, LLC. She was a guest host on episode 7 where she spent time explaining the importance of being present. We invited her back to delve into the subject of grief as she has worked with many people who have experienced loss, helping to guide them through the stages and levels.
We thank Shannon for returning to the podcast and look forward to having her back again soon. If you’re interested in learning more about Shannon Horton please visit her website: http://happinessmattersllc.com/
Episode 34 – Doing Nothing With Presence Feat. Andrew Marshall
In this podcast Paul Kerzner is joined by guest host Andrew Marshall (aka Zen Diarist) for the 34th episode of the “Are You Being Present?” podcast series. The title and topic of this podcast is “Doing Nothing With Presence” and was selected to teach the basic principles (and importance) of stillness and slowing down to live more peacefully and mindfully in the present moment.
Andrew Marshall lives in England and is a teacher of meditation and coaching in life skills for more than three decades. He has assisted over three thousand people get started with meditation and progress along their path of increasing happiness. As well as authoring three books and scores of articles on these subjects, he has also facilitated a number of workshops. After reading through Andrew’s blog and Twitter feed we immediately felt drawn to his work and wanted to have him on the show to discuss the power of ‘not doing’ and how it enhances presence and mindfulness.
We thank Andrew for joining us and look forward to having him back soon. If you’re interested in learning more about Andrew Marshall please check out his website: https://zendiarist.com/
Episode 35 – Stop Trying to Control the Present Moment!
The Presence Projects presents episode 35 of the “Are You Being Present?” podcast series. Join host Paul Kerzner for a discussion about control and the negative impact it can have on presence. The title and topic of this episode is “Stop Trying to Control the Present Moment!” and was chosen because of how common control is in society today.
Learning how to be present, but more importantly learning how to stay present, is a rewarding process that requires consistency, persistence and vigilance. It is only in the present moment that you can self-reflect and obtain a clear view of the landscape of your life. It is from this vantage point that you can see how control creates unnecessary self-inflicted suffering.
If you, or someone you know, have control issues then this podcasts will prove to be useful and relevant. Please check out the rest of the “Are You Being Present?” podcasts series on our website, iTunes and YouTube to learn more about presence, mindfulness and holistic health.
Remember you have a choice. Choose to be present!
Episode 36 – Empowering Women With Presence Feat. Jackie Wszalek
In this podcast, Paul Kerzner is joined by guest host Jackie Wszalek for the 36th episode titled “Empowering Women With Presence”. The Presence Projects strongly believes in empowerment for everyone but wanted to dedicate an episode solely discussing the importance of presence for women of all ages.
Jackie Wszalek has been an important and instrumental figure in supporting and promoting women’s rights and equality. She has dedicated considerable time and energy to creating opportunities for women to succeed in business as well as in their personal lives. Currently Jackie is the founder of Women Owned, Women Operated Businesses (WOWOB) and is the past President of the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO). She also owns and operates Splash Media, a company that has been employing and providing business opportunities for women.
We thank Jackie for joining us and look forward to having her back soon. If you’re interested in learning more about Jackie Wszalek you can find her on Facebook or you can check out her business website: https://www.splashmedia.com/
Episode 37 – Why Be Present?
The Presence Projects presents episode 37 of the “Are You Being Present?” podcast series. Join host Paul Kerzner for a relevant and topical discussion about the importance of presence and living in the moment. The title and topic of this episode is “Why Be Present?” and was chosen to directly address a question that is applicable to everyone living in the 21st century.
In this podcast Paul dives right into the importance of being present, the many benefits, methodologies and challenges that might arise. He explains that presence is a process and is the foundation of mindfulness. Too many people are distracted and dominated by thoughts of the past and worries of the future becoming victims of their own minds/egos. The answer to the question “Why Be Present?” becomes clear after listening to this podcast and reflecting back to your own reality, behaviors and thoughts.
If you, or someone you know, is interested in being present or exploring mindfulness this podcasts will prove to be useful and enlightening. Please check out the rest of the “Are You Being Present?” podcasts series on our website, iTunes and YouTube! Remember you have a choice. Choose to be present!
Episode 38 – Stop Telling Your Story. Be Present!
The Presence Projects presents episode 38 of the “Are You Being Present?” podcast series. Join host Paul Kerzner for an in-depth lesson about how telling stories affects your ability to be present. The title and topic of this episode is “Stop Telling Your Story. Be Present!” and it provides insight, direction and suggestions about why you should stop telling your life story over and over again in a quest to achieve presence and mindfulness.
In this podcast Paul teaches us about how stories are basically baggage that we carry around and share. By recycling these stories you keep telling yourself, and others, a loop is created where you constantly exist in the past or future. Learning how to be present means that you let go of all the stories/people/places/things that have existed in your life so that you can fully honor the present moment. The more you work at releasing your stories the more presence, and peace, will exist in your reality.
Episode 39 – Puppies for Presence
The Presence Projects presents episode 39 of the “Are You Being Present?” podcast series. Join host Paul Kerzner as he shares his recent experiences, reflection points and Presence challenges with his new puppy. The title and topic of this episode is “Puppies for Presence” and was selected to discuss how puppies, or any other pet, can be a wonderful Presence reminder and Presence partner.
In this podcast Paul introduces the audience to Toby, his 6 1/2 month old Labrador puppy. Anyone who owns, or has ever lived with a puppy, knows the many challenges that exist. Puppies can be fun to hang out with but they require a lot of energy, attention, consistency and patience. There are many instances that can pull a person right out of the present moment when your puppy is disobedient or destructive. During this podcast Paul shares some of his experiences with Toby, his new Presence teacher, and who reminds him to stay in the here and now.
If you, or someone you know, has a new puppy and is interested in being present or exploring mindfulness this podcasts will prove to be useful and enlightening.
Episode 40 – Presence is a Process
The Presence Projects presents episode 40 of the “Are You Being Present?” podcast series. Join host Paul Kerzner as he discusses how being present, or more so staying in the present moment, requires effort, consistency, persistence and vigilance. The title and topic of this episode is “Presence is a Process” and was selected because of the importance of understanding that being present is an exercise worthy of your attention throughout your day and life.
In this podcast Paul spends on time explaining the “Presence Process” as he guides the audience through a day, from beginning to end, implementing “Presence Tools” effectively and efficiently. There are many opportunities and challenges which can pull us out of the moment which makes it vital that we have a fluid methodology implemented to maintain our focus on living in the ‘here and now’.