Episode 21 – Overcoming Adversity with Presence Feat. Tracy Fortune

The Presence Projects warmly welcomes guest host Tracy Fortune to the 21st episode of the “Are You Being Present?” podcast series. The title and topic for this podcast is “Overcoming Adversity with Presence.” It was selected to help bring attention to the importance of being present when facing life’s many challenges. Adversity is something that each person is faced with and has to overcome to grow, learn and prosper.

We invited Tracy Fortune to be the guest host after she shared her life story with us, one that we found to be quite profound. She has encountered many significant adversities and traumas in her life that were overcome with presence, patience and grace.

Opening up and sharing yourself with the world isn’t easy, so we are deeply grateful that Tracy has allowed herself to be vulnerable on the podcast. There are many people out there struggling to get through their own life challenges and we believe that listening to Tracy’s story will prove to be inspirational, moving and motivating. Her efforts help exemplify that anything is possible when desire, perseverance and presence are maintained during the most challenging of moments.

During the podcast both Paul and Tracy spend time talking about their lives and the importance of staying present. One key message to take note of is that everything changes in time and nothing stays the same. We must remember to let go of the past and stop worrying about the future to allow each moment to flow and live in the ‘here and now.’

We thank Tracy Fortune for coming on the podcast and sharing her life story, she is truly an inspiration to us all.

Episode 22 – Words That Affect Our Present Moment

The Presence Projects proudly presents episode 22 of the “Are You Being Present?” podcast series. In this episode host Paul Kerzner spends time addressing an important topic that has great relevance and tremendous influence over our ability to live in the ‘here and now’.

“Words That Affect Our Present Moment” is the title and topic of this podcast. It was chosen because of the impact and significance words have on our lives. Words create our reality, yet too many of us speak unconsciously, and at times, are neglectful with the words we use.

After working with hundreds of patients over the past few years Paul has observed that words are one of the greatest ‘Presence Challenges’ being faced by humanity. It was with this observation that he saw the need to address, re-frame and revise the use of certain words to help people shift into the present moment.

If you find it challenging to stay present we encourage you to look at the words you’re using and how they are affecting your reality. Please take some time to listen to this podcast, change your words and shift back to the present moment.

Episode 23 – Are You Being Present?

Join host Paul Kerzner for a special episode addressing and exploring the very question that this podcast is based on, “Are You Being Present?” Whether you are new to presence, or have lots of experience living in the ‘here and now’, this podcast will serve as a powerful reminder and useful ‘Presence Tool’.

Over the past few years Paul has taught presence to hundreds of patients who were living with a variety of emotional challenges. He noted and observed that one of the core issues being experienced was a lack of presence. This situation takes place when people become, consciously or unconsciously, dominated by memories of the past or worries of the future.

In this podcast Paul delves deep into the topic of presence and encourages the listeners to ask themselves if they are being present as often as possible. He explains that being present can take some effort but there are amazing benefits to living a life without distractions, thoughts and worries.

Paul explains that presence isn’t something that can be given or purchased, it is a state of being that must be earned. Each and every day you must create a baseline filled with peace and inner stillness.

The Presence Projects was established to provide the necessary support, information, and encouragement to help each and every person shift into the ‘here and now’. We hope you enjoyed this episode and welcome you back to the present moment.

Episode 24 Simplifying the Present Moment

The Presence Projects is excited to present episode 24 of the “Are You Being Present?” podcast series. The title and topic of this podcast is “Simplifying the Present Moment” and was selected because so many people in Western society innately complicate their lives pulling them out of the present moment.

Host Paul Kerzner decided to explore this topic as he has seen first-hand with his patients, as well as in his own reality, the need to simplify the present moment. While it may take a decent amount of effort to shift away from complications you will soon see how important it is.

Paul explains that there is a narrative running through our minds creating stories that have nothing to do with the present moment. It takes an awareness that this is transpiring and then action(s) to simplify our lives and the experiences we are involved in.

Later in the podcast Paul shares a few techniques that can help simplify life. One of the easiest ways is to see people/places/things for exactly how they are. We must stop labeling everything as good or bad and just accept them for how they are. Acceptance of the present moment is an essential ‘Presence Tool’ that will simplify your reality and shift you into the ‘here and now’.

If you’ve been experiencing some challenges and find it difficult to stay present we urge you to listen to this podcast and start simplifying your life today!

Episode 25 – Maintaining Happiness With Presence Feat. Carolyn Berry

Guest host Carolyn Berry joins Paul Kerzner for episode 25 of the “Are You Being Present?” podcast series. The title and topic of this podcast is “Maintaining Happiness With Presence” and was selected because happiness is something everyone strives for in their own unique and subjective way. Being happy in the present moment allows for life to flow freely and provides a sense of inner-peace and contentment.

Carolyn is an energy healer and published author whose life has provided her with a wealth of significant and profound experiences in regards to happiness and presence. Her book “I’m Happy. How Did I Get Here?”, which is available on Amazon.com, is a wonderful and easy read where she provides her readers with her background, life transition and how she learned how to work with energy. We highly recommend this book to anyone who is happy or seeking more happiness in life.

During the podcast Paul expresses his views on happiness and presence that he believes are directly correlated. He explains that we must be aware of what makes us happy and take note that we do not overly focus on people/places/things that exist in the past or future. Happiness is an internal process that is earned, it cannot be given or purchased, which is why it’s so important to seek within to be truly happy and present.

Later in the podcast Carolyn talks about how she used to base her happiness on external conditions and was overly identified with her career and labels. At age 30 she came to the realization that things needed to change so she left her corporate job to seek a more happy and present life. Carolyn’s story, her challenges and significant changes are quite inspirational and motivational.

We thank Carolyn for joining the podcast and look forward to having her back. If you’d like to learn more, or to contact Carolyn Berry, please visit her website: http://www.carolynheals.com/

Episode 26 Awakening to Truth With Presence Feat. Daniel Hirtz

The “Are You Being Present?” podcast series welcomes back guest host Daniel Hirtz who joins Paul Kerzner for another thought provoking episode. The title and topic for podcast 26 is “Awakening to Truth With Presence” and it explores and examines the awakening taking place in society today.

Daniel was asked to come back on the podcast because we wanted a chance to interview him in a live interactive format. The conversation that took place provided the audience with a wealth of valuable and relevant information in regards to the amazing transformation that’s currently underway.

In the beginning of the podcast Daniel shares his perspectives on presence and explains how important it is not to exclude the body. Often time, people can get lost in their thoughts excluding the body and all the sensations that exist within it. From Daniel’s perspective the body is the miracle, it is the true definition and reflection of presence. The body is the perfect access point to the ‘now’ because it is always present; it cannot go into the future or the past.

Daniel is a breath work facilitator so he discussed how breathing is a bridge to the present moment. He explained that by adding breath work to whatever you are currently involved in will provide for greater intimacy and presence in that moment.

Later in the podcast Paul addresses the awakening that’s currently being experienced by large portions of society. People are becoming aware of their thought-stream, the importance of being mindful and living in the present moment. Since there is a lot subjectivity to the life we live Daniel and Paul explore their perceptions of truth and discuss the amazing consciousness shift in the 21st century.

We thank Daniel for returning to the podcast and sharing his knowledge, passions and experiences with the audience. If you’re interested in learning more about Daniel Hirtz please visit his website: www.danielhirtz.com

To learn more about being present please visit our website: https://www.areyoubeingpresent.com

Episode 27 – Ecstatic Dance for Presence Feat. Carrie Smith-Hardee

After a brief recess, The Presence Projects has returned with another amazing podcast to help provide listeners with information and motivation to live life in the present moment.

Guest host Carrie Smith-Hardee joins Paul Kerzner for episode 27 of the “Are You Being Present?” podcast series. The title and topic of this episode is “Ecstatic Dance for Presence” and was selected because dance is a powerful ‘Presence Tool’ that has the ability to help shift away from past memories and future worries.

Carrie is a conscious dance facilitator, a wellness arts practitioner and one of the founding members of the Arizona Conscious Dance movement. She got into ecstatic dance 3 years ago after experiencing some life challenges that pushed her to look for ways to heal her mind, body and spirit. It was through her own personal experiences with dance, and the passion it created, that we felt Carrie was the perfect person to have on the show.

During the podcast Carrie explains that ecstatic dance gives people a place to completely let go into their hearts, explore their bodies and be in the present moment. It is a unique, and at times primal, experience that is liberating and done in a safe, and substance-free, space that is devoid of judgment. This can be a life changing exercise because it allows people to be free and fully authentic in their expression.

Later in the podcast Paul discusses his personal experiences with ecstatic dance and how it can be used to bring presence and peace. If we can learn to set aside personal criticisms, and enter into a space of acceptance, living and dancing in the moment becomes easier and joyful.

We highly recommend ecstatic dance to anyone and everyone of all ages interested in having a fun, uplifting, exciting and present experience!

If you want to learn more about conscious dance in Arizona you can check out their website: http://www.azcdance.org/

To connect with Carrie Smith-Hardee please find her on Facebook: [link]

Episode 28 – Guiding With Presence Feat. Chris Anderson

The Presence Projects welcomes guest host Chris Anderson to the 28th episode of the “Are You Being Present?” podcast series. The title and topic for this podcast is “Guiding With Presence” and was selected because guidance is an integral component of the human experience. Whether being guided by others, or developing your own inner guidance system, learning to be present and living a more fulfilling life is enhanced with the types guidance we seek.

Chris works for Arizona Outback Adventures and is a multi-day guide manager. His entire working career has been in the outdoor guiding industry and and now helps manage, train and support his fellow guides. We invited Chris onto the podcast because of the many experiences he has accumulated over the past 15 years guiding people through new adventures, overcoming fears and breaking through old and limiting behaviors. The beauty of his work is that by bringing people into nature there are amazing opportunities to shift into the present moment since nature is always present.

During the podcast, Paul and Chris discuss how important and rewarding it is has been to provide guidance to those in need traversing life’s many challenges. By offering support and encouragement they have both witnessed incredible shifts in perceptions and significant growth for the people they have worked with.

Later in the episode Chris spends some time talking about how mental and physical discomforts arise during challenging hikes and adventures. He goes on to talk about how one of the biggest crutches we have in modern life is distraction from discomfort. When you’re out in nature you have no choice but deal with being uncomfortable.

We thank Chris for joining us on the podcast and look forward to having him back soon!

If you’re interested in having a guided outdoor adventure please check out Arizona Outback Adventures: https://aoa-adventures.com/

Episode 29 – Nutritionally Present Feat. Nikki Golly

The Presence Projects welcomes guest host Nikki Golly to the 29th episode of the “Are You Being Present?” podcast series. The title and topic for this podcast is “Nutritionally Present” and was selected to bring awareness and provide information on how nutrition affects our ability to be present.

Nikki was invited onto the podcast because of her extensive knowledge, personal experiences and passion for nutrition. She is the owner of Fuel Your Body, is a Micro-Nutrient Educator and offers Nutrition Coaching for those looking to improve their diet and outlook on life.

Many Americans still don’t fully understand the connection between the foods they eat and the effect it has on their mind, body and spirit. During the podcast Paul explains how nutrition is the cornerstone of health and wellness as well as a foundational component of mindfulness and presence.

Later in the podcast Paul and Nikki discuss how the body requires high quality fruits, vegetables, lean meats and supplements to operate properly and maintain a clear thought process. There are also quite a few foods which should be avoided at all costs due to the negative impact it has on the body which include gluten and dairy products.

Since there are considerable portions of society that don’t fully understand proper nutritional concepts our hosts take some time to discuss and provide healthy options that can improve your wellness and ability to be present.

If you’re looking for some amazing nutritional tips that can help you become more mindful and live in the present moment then this podcast is for you!

We thank Nikki Golly for coming onto the podcast and sharing some great nutritional information. If you’d like to learn more about Nikki please visit her website: http://2fuelyourbody.com/

Episode 30 – Presence Through Plant Medicine Feat. Clay Villanueva

Guest host Clay Villanueva joins Paul Kerzner for episode 30 of the “Are You Being Present?” podcast series. The title and topic of this podcast is “Presence Through Plant Medicine” and was selected because of the amazing effect this medicine has on the present moment.

Clay is a facilitator of ayahuasca ceremonies who has been working with the medicine for the past 6 years. Through his personal experiences, dedication and hard work many people have had truly profound and life changing adventures under his guidance and care.

It is important to note that plant medicines, such as ayahuasca, are powerful psychoactive substances that should be respected, researched and only taken under professional advisement and observation. Choosing a qualified, respected and experienced facilitator is important.

During the podcast Clay discusses how he was introduced to the medicine and what his first experiences were like. After doing some research on the internet he chose to go to a retreat down in Peru where he was given ayahuasca by a local shaman. Over the course of 10 days he sat in 4 ceremonies where he had a variety of visions, epiphanies, and emotional releases.

Paul and Clay spend some time talking about the many opportunities, challenges and experiences they have both had and witnessed in ayahuasca ceremonies. They also discuss the need for proper preparation and what a person might encounter during a ceremony.

If you’ve been interested in learning more about plant medicine and its profound affect on the present moment then this podcast is for you! It is advisable that you to do your research and learn as much as possible before signing up for a ceremony.

We thank Clay Villanueva for joining the podcast and look forward to having him back soon. If you’d like to learn more about plant medicine you can contact Clay on Facebook or join one of the ayahuasca Facebook groups.